William Otuck


William Otuck

Senior Accelerator Consultant, Tanzania

William Otuck is a youth coach and community leader from Tanzania with over 10 years of experience in fostering youth leadership and facilitating meaningful youth engagement. With a background in clinical medicine and business administration, Otuck has played a pivotal role in co-founding and leading numerous youth-led initiatives focused on enhancing young people's access to Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), both within Tanzania and on a global scale. In the capacity of a senior Kijana Nahodha Accelerator Consultant at YLabs, Otuck supports the program team on the ground, driving the incubation of youth-led organizations. Beyond his professional pursuits, Otuck is an artist and takes pride in being a devoted father to his 8-year-old daughter.



Our Team


Sonia Umutoni


Stephanie McCarl