Nick Chan


Nick Chan

Design Lead, Kenya

Nick is a community-centered designer with over 10 years of design experience. Before YLabs, Nick worked at Frog, Deloitte, and Mount Sinai. He holds an MFA in Design for Social Innovation and his social impact experience spans across healthcare, social service, finance/banking, education, behavioral health, and government. In the context of Kijana Nahodha Accelerator, Nick is building design capacity with and for youth-led innovators in Tanzania. Before entering the formal world of design, he worked as a chef, co-founded a bamboo bicycle company, managed a dance festival in China, and ran an artist collective. Outside the ‘office’, you’ll find Nick cooking with friends, hiking up mountains, sketching in his travel notebooks, and devouring all the street food from around the world.



Our Team


Mireille Umutoni Sekamana


Sonia Umutoni