YLabs' 2020 Annual Report - A year of adaptation

May 01, 2021: Despite the immense challenges and changes that 2020 brought for young people, the world did not stop, and neither did we. We are proud to share the YLabs 2020 Annual Report with you!

Work continued and it continued safely, in some of the most challenging contexts and on some of the most critical topics; from designing safe spaces for menstrual health in the second-largest refugee camp in the world, to supporting youth-serving organizations in Kenya to co-design and evaluate innovative programs to prevent HIV among young men who have sex with men.

Whether you've been a friend or partner of YLabs since the beginning or are just discovering our work, thank you for your partnership, your contributions, your provocations, and your conversations. Together, let’s build a future where all young people have the power to design a healthier, more prosperous future for themselves and their communities.

We invite you to dive into this report, and get in touch with us to learn more! 


YLabs' 2021 Annual Report: Five Opportunities to Invest in Young People


YLabs to chair the HCDExchange Quality and Standards for HCD and ASRH Working Group