Asking for a Friend: Youth Advisory Board - Call for Members


Asking for a Friend (AFF) is the first digital one-stop shop platform designed to provide answers to young people’s sex, relationship, and identity questions and help them access the sexual and reproductive healthcare they want and need, no matter where they live. AFF’s goal is to provide an accessible bridge to action for young people across the United States, revolutionizing the way that young people access health care. By increasing their agency to make their own sexual health decisions and creating frictionless access to services, youth can get what they need on their own terms. 


The Asking for a Friend (AFF) Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is a group of 6 young people in California that will help guide the creation of the platform to be the best tool for young people in their communities. After all, lived expertise is the best and most accurate form of feedback. The YAB is an advisory group designed to share their thoughts and feedback on the content, design, branding and overall experience of the AFF platform. Members will be paid for their time and expertise.


  • From California, or live in California for the majority of the year (e.g. attend school in California but are from out-of-state)

  • 12-22 years old

  • Passionate about sexual health and reproductive justice

  • Passionate about expanding healthcare access for youth in your community

  • Open to listening to different perspectives, giving and receiving feedback, and working collaboratively in a team setting.

  • Passionate about giving back to your community and making a difference for youth like yourself

For more details on the role, compensation, and the link to apply, please click on the Job Description below!

Learn more about the Asking for a Friend project and stay tuned for updates as we progress!


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